Another update! Im really happy to be making this. Fashion really is a big love of mine and its so freeing to expirement again. Today I have a lot of newly obtained peices that I styled together and I think it went perfectly! New items are 1. Turquiose tights I recieved from my mom for christmas! (Amazon) 2. Brown leather jacket from my grandpa I got today. 3. All the jewelry handmade by myself and my grandma. 4. Scarf/shawl from a local thrift store. 5.The pins were either made by me, gifted by my dad, or bought at small artist popups. 6. Bulky sunglasses obtained at the 5 Below. The shoes im not counting as something new because ive had them for a while but I haven't got the chance to wear them much. I got them for $5 at a bin store at the start of the year. Lastly we have my top from Hot Topic, and my skirt from a goodwill in New Orleans.
Ive seen many people online asking for advice on how to dress "cool" or dress like people on pinterest. They always clarify "And don't say thrifting or DIY" and I think its just funny that people have that mindset. The creative people you are seeing online don't have stores that magically make all the cool clothes. It takes creativity because fashion is an artform. Basically this is to say- Go Outside!! The stuff you want is out there already! Or check out one of the amazing ethical clothing brands I have listed on the sidebar :)

Welcome to the first update of the fashion page! Woohoo! I took some time to chronicle an outfit I put together for my upcoming trip to California. I will not be underdressed and scared like I was in Nashville.
Here I have a never worn before combo: My second favorite Maurices pants and my newly accquired 20trenched tee. Really though it's just red and black and jeans there's really no going wrong with that.
As always we are going to be shooting for the moon with the accesories. (They will all eventually end up in my bag by the end of the night because of sensory issues), but hey, It's the first impression that matters the most. We have some raybans I stole from a hotel in Florida, earrings I got from creepcon many years ago, gifted rubber bracelets, Alex G and Roar pins I made myself, and as always, a hairclip from the good ol' Hobby Lob.
Differences from the photo: I will be wearing chucks instead of my Steve Maddens for ease of transport. I may swap out the earrings for a set I recently got at Terra Studios in AR, really its up to what I decide on the day.
I will update when I get back with how the fit turned out, but ciao for now! :)